Coches de alquiler en aeropuertos Beca estudiantil del Reino Unido

Adam Miah

The winner of the £2000 Student Scholarship 2018

¿Podrías contarnos un poco más sobre ti? ¿Tus aficiones o actividades extracurriculares?

My name is Adam Miah, and I am a second year chemical engineer at the University of Birmingham. Outside of my academic studies, I like to get involved in extracurricular projects that I find interesting, such as the enterprising project I took part in last year. I find that these sort of projects help expand my skillset, whilst also developing those that I have already gathered over the years. I also like to play a variety of sports, most notably football which I try to play at least once a week. Unfortunately, it’s been a while since I’ve played competitive sports, but at the moment I’m just enjoying playing with my friends and colleagues whenever I get the chance.

¿Por qué elegiste estudiar el curso elegido?

During my time at school, I was always a mathematically inclined person. So, naturally I was attracted to the field of engineering. When it came to choosing which engineering discipline I wanted to go on and study, I found that chemical engineering brought together all of the aspects of my three A-Level subjects (Chemistry, Maths and Physics) that I enjoyed the most. I also saw it as a degree that would give me the broadest range of skills, thereby leaving my future career options wide open.

¿Qué significa para ti el viaje?

Travel to me means visiting new places, and being exposed to new cultures. It means trying new things and meeting new people. It means going to different places to explore and have fun, and not just going to those places to tell people you have been there. Basically, it means a lot.

¿Cuál ha sido tu destino o lugar de viaje favorito?

Desafortunadamente, no he tenido la oportunidad de viajar mucho en mi vida. Sin embargo, he viajado a Gales antes de vacaciones y me encantó! Ese tiene que ser uno de mis destinos favoritos de vacaciones, y me encantaría volver pronto.

¿Qué parte de las tasas de matrícula cubrirán estos £ £ 2000?

El dinero que me entregaron los alquileres del aeropuerto se destinará al pago de mis tasas universitarias, lo que me ayudará a reducir mis deudas futuras que deben pagarse.

¿Cuál sería su consejo para los solicitantes del próximo año? ¿A qué deberían prestar atención?

My advice would be to go for it, even if you don’t think the chances of you getting the scholarship are that great. I never expected to be chosen as the winner of the scholarship when I first considered applying, but here I am and I couldn’t be any happier with the outcome! In terms of the application, then I would say do your research and try to get your essay to flow in a coherent manner. I would also say that you should try not to overthink things, and just stick to what you think is worth saying rather that what you think others want to hear.